Reproducing a work
Right of reproduction
The author has the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit the reproduction of his work.
The reproduction consists, according to the Intellectual Property Code, in « the material fixing of the work by all processes which allow to communicate it to the public in an indirect way ».
The reproduction of a painting in a book, the printing or a photograph of an architectural work or the printing of a drwing on a T-shirt, etc. must therefore be authorized by the author under the reproduction right, even if the work is only partially reproduced.
Under his reproduction right, the author can ask for a remuneration for the use of his work.
The reproduction right can be transferred to a third party, for example a publisher.
This transfer can be done an exclusive or non-exclusive basis.
Reproducing a work of Le Corbusier
The images must have been legally obtained or provided by the Foundation Le Corbusier.
Please note that many photographic agencies sell images of Le Corbusier’s works without being in conformity with the rules of intellectual property and copyright : please contact Isabelle Godineau for any information : isabelle.godineau@fondationlecorbusier.fr
You want to reproduce a work
Please send your project and artwork to : reproduction@fondationlecorbusier.fr and to l’ADAGP, which manages the Foundation’s rights, with the exception of the publishing and translation of Le Corbusier’s writings managed by the Foudnation alone.
Subject to validation of the model and except for exceptional exemptions, the following rules must be respected :
- The caption must contain at least the name of the author, the title of the work and its date of creation.
- The mandatory credit : © FLC/ ADAGP Paris + current year must be mentioned.
- No modification of the image is permitted without permission from the Foundation.
- On Internet, only low definition images are used (maximum resolution : 72 pixels par pouce) and of reduced size (maximum size : 800 x 800 pixels). High definition images are reserved for printing on paper or insertion in a video.
- No storage on a database and no transfer to third parties is allowed.