Maison La Roche © FLC / ADAGP / Manuel Bougot


A Museum Le Corbusier? The ESTP Paris project

Students take over Maisons La Roche and Jeanneret

As part of a partnership with ESTP Paris (Chaire Ingénierie des Bétons) and the Fondation École Française du Béton, 210 students in their 2nd year at ESTP Paris, specializing in construction and in a dual Engineering/Architect program, are studying the creation of a Museum Le Corbusier on the current site of the Foundation.

The “Projet Ingénierie des Bétons XD” aims to present proposals for the “intelligent and sustainable renovation” of emblematic concrete buildings. The aim is to install the Foundation in a nearby house, open the Maison Jeanneret to the public, create a new reception area and boutique, and use the basement for museographic purposes.

This 4-month project began in February and resulted in the production of a rehabilitation/renovation report, as well as videos and digital models. Five projects were entered in the Les génies de La Construction competition for the final on June 8, 2022. The Immersion puriste project by Perrine Cenier, Quentin Deveze, Luca Fiorucci, Albane Geoffroy, Donia Gharbi, Charlotte Gosset-Grainville, Marc Lafforgue and Grégoire de La Haye was awarded 1st prize in the SUP category of the Génies de la Construction competition. This “intelligent territories” competition encourages students to think about the challenges of regional planning and construction.