Église Saint-Pierre, Firminy
France, 1960-2006
« I have done my job. I feel more bound than ever, through this work which is ours, with the Parish Association which, as stated in the contract, is the project owner. And now, for the greatest spiritual joy of all, I can imagine nothing better than the launch of construction. »
A parish church is planned as part of the creation of the Firminy-Vert district. Its construction was entrusted to the architect André Sive. He had envisaged a church close to the schools, the shopping centre and the Razes stadium but the architect’s death in September 1958 put an end to these plans.
In January 1961, Le Corbusier was called upon to build the church by Father Roger Tardy, the parish priest at Firminy. Le Corbusier was already involved in other projects at Firminy-Vert: the Maison de la Culture, the Stadium and the Housing Unit. He considered this project important since it was intended for the workers.

Le Corbusier worked on this project with his collaborator José Oubrerie, in particular from the sketches of the unrealized project of a church at Le Tremblay conceived in 1929.
The plan envisaged was square and spread over four levels connected by ramps. The first two levels were designed for the sacristy, the presbytery and the catechism room, with the last two making up the place of prayer.
The formal appearance of the church as imagined in the 1960s took up the idea of the hyperbolic cone envisaged at Le Tremblay, but was also inspired by the Palace of the Assembly of Chandigarh.
The construction project was complex, in particular because of the topography of the land: the church was to be erected on the site of an old quarry, which would have required special foundations, rejected as proving too expensive. Le Corbusier opposed this choice as being in contradiction with the overall Firminy-Vert project.
When Le Corbusier died in August 1965, the church had still not risen from the ground, despite the numerous plans and drawings produced by the architect.

Subsequent History
From 1966, José Oubrerie, Louis Miquel (until 1978), the Civil Society organization for the Firminy-Vert church and the Le Corbusier association for the Firminy-Vert church (created in 1968 and represented by Eugène Claudius-Petit and Jean Dubuisson) joined forces to allow the Saint-Pierre church to be completed. The first stone was laid on May 28, 1970 and building really started in 1973, under the direction of José Oubrerie in accordance with Le Corbusier’s project. Work was interrupted in 1978 and resumed in 2004. The church of Saint-Pierre was officially opened in November 2006.
The foundations of the church, built between 1970 and 1978, were given Historic Monument status in 1983. It was not until 1996 that the parts built between 1973 and 1978 were likewise registered, and the entire church not until 2009.
Ultimately the church was not consecrated; the city of Firminy and Saint-Etienne metropolis now open it to the public and organize cultural events there.
Restoration of the concrete facings of the exterior facades was carried out in 2020.